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Seasonal Pass

This is for everyone!
Premium version available in the webshop.

The PebblePass is a seasonal-level system where you level up by collecting SeaPebbles! At each level you receive different kinds of rewards, hereby the categories of items you'll receive:

• Cosmetics; nickcolour, particle & badge.
• All kinds of keys.
• Currencies; Crystals & Feathers.
• Extra claim chunks.
•  Random (Custom) Enchantments.
• Items (eg. ores, spawn eggs & armor trims).

At every level, you also receive 1 Petal key! This key opens up a crate that will be available until the next pass, so make sure to use it in time! This crate contains spawn eggs, cosmetics, build blocks  & more.

How to gain Sea Pebbles


There are different ways of collecting Points, but for now, you can receive them with the following:

• Killing hostile mobs (Receive 5-15 Pebbles for every mob)
• Playtime (Receive 1000 Pebbles per hour)
• Trade items with Traders (Say /traders on the server)
• Voting (Receive 250 Pebbles per vote)
• Claim your /daily (Receive 1500 Pebbles  per claim)

• Participate in the BuildBattle (Everyone participating receives 30.000 Pebbles)
• Buy Points using Crystals in /crystalshop.
• Finish the Maze from /warps (Medium maze, one-time 25.000 Pebbles  reward!)
• During certain events you can gain a lot of Points.
• Use Heart of the Harvest Moon (Say /star for more information or check this out.)
• Pebbles are also available in most crates.

We're still looking for more ways for everyone to gain Pebbles, but for the time being, this is it.

Premium Pass


In the webshop [click here], you can also find a Premium Pass! With this pass, you're able to receive more cosmetics when you level up:

• +5 NickColours
• +5 Particles
•  +2 Badges

You'll receive one of the listed above per 10 levels.


The Pass is still in beta, this means that things might change in the future depending on how well the pass is doing!